\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % No indent. Add space between paragraphs. <>= Module <- sub(".Rnw", "", current_input()) cat(paste0("\\newcommand{\\Module}{", Module, "}")) @ \begin{document} <>= # Welcome to the Togaware Data Science Model Template ---- # # Australian Weather Dataset. # General Model Setup. # # File: 60_model.R # # This template provides a starting point for the # data scientist build analytic models. By no means # is it the end point of the data science journey. # # This R script is automatically extracted from a knitr # file with a .Rnw extension. That file includes a broader # narrative and explanation of the journey through our data. # Before our own journey into literate programming we can # make use of these R scripts as our templates for data science. # # The template is under regular revision and improvement # and is provided as is. It is published as an appendix to the # book, Quick Start Data Science in R from CRC Press (pending). # # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Togaware.com # Authored by and feedback to Graham.Williams@togaware.com # License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA # # DOCVERSION @ <>= @ <>= #### MODEL SETUP ------------------------------------ # Load required packages from local library into R. library(stringi) # String operator: %s+%. library(magrittr) # Data pipelines: %>% %T>% %<>%. library(rattle) # Evaluate: riskchart(), rocChart() errorMatrix(), echo(). library(ROCR) # Evaluate: prediction() performance(). @ % We actually set up the dataset here so that within the text that % follows we can refer to the dataset name. We insert the actual code % into the produced document below. <>= #### DATA INGESTION ------------------------------------ # Folder location of datasets. fpath <- "data" # Identify the dataset. dsname <- "weatherAUS" @ \title{Model Build Template\\ The \textbf{\Sexpr{dsname}} Dataset} \author{Graham Williams} \date{2 July 2017} \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} <>= @ <>= @ <>= # Identify the dataset to load. dsdate <- "_" %s+% "20170702" # Full dataset filename. dsfile <- dsname %s+% dsdate %s+% ".RData" # Full path to the saved dataset. fpath %>% file.path(dspath) %>% print() -> dsrdata # Load the R objects from file and list them. load(dsrdata) %>% print() # Review the metadata. dsname dspath dsdate nobs %>% echo() vars target risk id ignore omit # TEMPORARY SMALLER DATASET FOR DEVELOPMENT nobs <- 10000 ds <- ds[sample(nobs),] #### PREPARE FOR MODELLING ------------------------------------ # Formula for modelling. ds[vars] %>% formula() %>% print() -> form # Initialise random numbers for repeatable results. seed <- 123 set.seed(seed) # Partition the full dataset into three: train, validate, test. nobs %>% sample(0.70*nobs) %T>% {length(.) %>% echo()} %T>% {head(.) %>% print()} -> train nobs %>% seq_len() %>% setdiff(train) %>% sample(0.15*nobs) %T>% {length(.) %>% echo()} %T>% {head(.) %>% print()} -> validate nobs %>% seq_len() %>% setdiff(union(train, validate)) %T>% {length(.) %>% print()} %T>% {head(.) %>% print()} -> test # Note the class of the dataset. class(ds) # Cache the various actual values for target and risk. tr.target <- ds[train,][[target]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} tr.risk <- ds[train,][[risk]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} va.target <- ds[validate,][[target]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} va.risk <- ds[validate,][[risk]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} te.target <- ds[test,][[target]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} te.risk <- ds[test,][[risk]] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} @ <>= # Welcome to the Togaware Data Science Model Template. # # Australian Weather Dataset. # Decision Tree Classification. # # File: 62_rpart.R # # This template provides a starting point for the # data scientist build analytic models. By no means # is it the end point of the data science journey. # # This R script is automatically extracted from a knitr # file with a .Rnw extension. That file includes a broader # narrative and explanation of the journey through our data. # Before our own journey into literate programming we can # make use of these R scripts as our templates for data science. # # The template is under regular revision and improvement # and is provided as is. It is published as an appendix to the # book, Quick Start Data Science in R from CRC Press (pending). # # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Togaware.com # Authored by and feedback to Graham.Williams@togaware.com # License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA # # DOCVERSION @ <<>>= #### DECISION TREE ------------------------------------ library(rpart) # Model: decision tree. ## Build Model on Training Dataset ------------------ # Splitting function: "anova" "poisson" "class" "exp" mthd <- "class" # Splitting function parameters. prms <- list(split="information" # "information" "gini" # , prior=c(0.5, 0.5) # Sum to 1. # , loss=matrix(c(0,10,1,0), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) ) # Control the training. ctrl <- rpart.control(maxdepth=3 # 30 # , minsplit=20 # 20 # , minbucket=7 # minsplit/3 # , cp=0.01 # Complexity 0.01 # , maxcompete=4 # 4 # , maxsurrogate=5 # 5 # , usesurrogate=2 # 2 # , xval=10 # 10 # , surrogatestyle=0 # 0 ) m.rp <- rpart(form, ds[train, vars], method=mthd, parms=prms, control=ctrl) model <- m.rp m.type <- "rpart" m.desc <- "Decision Tree" # Basic model structure. model # Basic model build summary. summary(model) # Review which importance of the variables. ggVarImp(model) # Visually expose the discovered knowledge. fancyRpartPlot(model) ## Evaluate Model on Validation Dataset ------------------ model %>% predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.class model %>% # Assumes 2 class predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="prob")[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.prob # Basic confusion matrix. table(va.target, va.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on validation dataset. per <- errorMatrix(va.target, va.class) pred <- prediction(va.prob, va.target) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(va.prob, va.target, va.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Test Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(va.prob, va.target) ## Tune Model on Training Dataset ------------------ # Splitting function: "anova" "poisson" "class" "exp" mthd <- "class" # Splitting function parameters. prms <- list(split="information" # "information" "gini" # , prior=c(0.5, 0.5) # Sum to 1. # , loss=matrix(c(0,10,1,0), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) ) # Control the training. ctrl <- rpart.control(maxdepth=30 # 30 , minsplit=9 # 20 # , minbucket=7 # minsplit/3 , cp=0.001 # Complexity 0.01 # , maxcompete=4 # 4 # , maxsurrogate=5 # 5 # , usesurrogate=2 # 2 # , xval=10 # 10 # , surrogatestyle=0 # 0 ) m.rp <- rpart(form, ds[train, vars], method=mthd, parms=prms, control=ctrl) model <- m.rp m.type <- "rpart" m.desc <- "Decision Tree" # Basic model summary. model summary(model) # Visually expose the discovered knowledge. ggVarImp(model) fancyRpartPlot(model) ## Evaluate Model on Validation Dataset ------------------ model %>% predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.class model %>% # Assumes 2 class predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars])[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.prob # Basic confusion matrix. table(va.target, va.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on validation dataset. per <- errorMatrix(va.target, va.class) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(va.prob, va.target, va.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Validation Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(va.prob, va.target) ## Final Evaluation on Test Dataset ------------------ model %>% predict(newdata=ds[test, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> te.class model %>% # Assumes 2 class predict(newdata=ds[test, vars])[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> te.prob # Basic confusion matrix. table(te.target, te.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on test dataset. per <- errorMatrix(te.target, te.class) pred <- prediction(va.prob, va.target) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(te.prob, te.target, te.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Test Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(te.prob, te.target) @ <>= # Welcome to the Togaware Data Science Model Template. # # Australian Weather Dataset. # Random Forest Classification. # # File: 64_randomForest.R # # This template provides a starting point for the # data scientist build analytic models. By no means # is it the end point of the data science journey. # # This R script is automatically extracted from a knitr # file with a .Rnw extension. That file includes a broader # narrative and explanation of the journey through our data. # Before our own journey into literate programming we can # make use of these R scripts as our templates for data science. # # The template is under regular revision and improvement # and is provided as is. It is published as an appendix to the # book, Quick Start Data Science in R from CRC Press (pending). # # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Togaware.com # Authored by and feedback to Graham.Williams@togaware.com # License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA # # DOCVERSION @ <<>>= #### RANDOM FOREST ------------------------------------ library(randomForest) # Model: randomForest() na.roughfix(). ## Build Model on Training Dataset ------------------ m.rf <- randomForest(form , ds[train, vars] , ntree=50 # 500 # , mtry=4 # sqrt(nvars) , importance=TRUE # FALSE , na.action=na.roughfix # na.fail() , replace=FALSE # TRUE ) model <- m.rf m.type <- "randomForest" m.desc <- "Random Forest" # Basic model summary. model importance(model) # Visually expose the discovered knowledge. ggVarImp(model) ## Evaluate Model on Validation Dataset ------------------ model %>% predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.class model %>% # Assumes 2 class predict(newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="prob")[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} -> va.prob # Basic confusion matrix. table(va.target, va.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on validation dataset. per <- errorMatrix(va.target, va.class) pred <- prediction(va.prob, va.target) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(va.prob, va.target, va.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Validation Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(va.prob, va.target) ## Tune Model on Training Dataset ------------------ # Splitting function: "anova" "poisson" "class" "exp" mthd <- "class" # Splitting function parameters. prms <- list(split="information" # "information" "gini" # , prior=c(0.5, 0.5) # Sum to 1. # , loss=matrix(c(0,10,1,0), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) ) # Control the training. ctrl <- rpart.control(maxdepth=30 # 30 , minsplit=9 # 20 # , minbucket=7 # minsplit/3 , cp=0.001 # Complexity 0.01 # , maxcompete=4 # 4 # , maxsurrogate=5 # 5 # , usesurrogate=2 # 2 # , xval=10 # 10 # , surrogatestyle=0 # 0 ) m.rp <- rpart(form, ds[train, vars], method=mthd, parms=prms, control=ctrl) model <- m.rp m.type <- "rpart" m.desc <- "Decision Tree" # Basic model summary. model # Visually expose the discovered knowledge. fancyRpartPlot(model) ## Evaluate Model on Validation Dataset ------------------ va.class <- predict(model, newdata=ds[validate, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} va.prob <- # Assumes 2 class predict(model, newdata=ds[validate, vars])[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} # Basic confusion matrix. table(va.target, va.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on validation dataset. per <- errorMatrix(va.target, va.class) pred <- prediction(va.prob, va.target) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(va.prob, va.target, va.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Validation Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(va.prob, va.target) ## Final Evaluation on Test Dataset ------------------ te.class <- predict(model, newdata=ds[test, vars], type="class") %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} te.prob <- # Assumes 2 class predict(model, newdata=ds[test, vars])[,2] %T>% {head(., 20) %>% print()} # Basic confusion matrix. table(te.target, te.class, useNA="ifany", dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Compute basic performance information on test dataset. per <- errorMatrix(te.target, te.class) pred <- prediction(va.prob, va.target) # Basic performance. sprintf("Overall accuracy percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Overall error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(1-sum(diag(per), na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Averaged class error percentage = %s%%\n", 100*round(mean(per[,"Error"], na.rm=TRUE), 2)) %>% cat() sprintf("Area under the curve = %s%%\n", 100*round(attr(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]], 2)) %>% cat() # Display the error matrix. round(100*per, 0) # Visual evaluation. riskchart(te.prob, te.target, te.risk, title="Risk Chart " %s+% m.desc %s+% " Test Dataset", risk.name=risk, recall.name=target, show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE, legend.horiz=FALSE) rocChart(te.prob, te.target) @ \section{Mixed Effects Regression Model} <>= # Welcome to the Togaware Data Science Model Template. # # Australian Weather Dataset. # Mixed Effects Regression Model. # # File: 72_lmer.R # # This template provides a starting point for the # data scientist build analytic models. By no means # is it the end point of the data science journey. # # This R script is automatically extracted from a knitr # file with a .Rnw extension. That file includes a broader # narrative and explanation of the journey through our data. # Before our own journey into literate programming we can # make use of these R scripts as our templates for data science. # # The template is under regular revision and improvement # and is provided as is. It is published as an appendix to the # book, Quick Start Data Science in R from CRC Press (pending). # # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Togaware.com # Authored by and feedback to Graham.Williams@togaware.com # License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA # # DOCVERSION @ <<>>= #### MIXED EFFECTS REGRESSION MODEL ------------------------------------ library(lme4) # Model: lme(). # Predict amount of rain tomorrow so it is a different formula. rvars <- id reffect <- "(1|" %s+% rvars[1] %s+% ")+(1|" %s+% rvars[2] %s+% ")" fvars <- setdiff(vars, target) %T>% print() feffect <- paste(fvars, collapse="+") form <- formula(risk %s+% "~" %s+% reffect %s+% "+" %s+% feffect) %T>% print() ## Build Model on Training Dataset ------------------ m.lmer <- lmer(form , ds[train, c(inputs, id, risk)] ) model <- m.lmer m.type <- "lmer" m.desc <- "Linear Mixed Effect Model" # Basic model summary. model #### DIAGONOSE MODEL ------------------------------------ # Draw residual plot. m.res <- resid(model) m.fit <- fitted(model) plot(m.res ~ m.fit) # Calculate R-square. cor(m.fit, model@frame$scale_score)^2 # Compare impact of effects. summary(model, cor=FALSE) ## Forecast ------------------ # We define the function that we will use for forecasting. lmeForecast <- function(model, data) { # Variables in the functions: student_id, school_code, test_year, # test_year_level, scale_score. i.e., id, target, test_year_level. require(dplyr) require(lme4) data %<>% arrange(student_id, test_year_level) %>% group_by(student_id) %>% filter(row_number() == n(), # Keep final test result for each student test_year_level != "9") %>% # only if student is not already in year 9. do({ yearLevel <- as.numeric(as.character(.$test_year_level))[1] year <- as.numeric(as.character(.$test_year)) newRows <- (9 - yearLevel)/2 + 1 out <- .[rep(1, newRows), ] yearLevel <- seq(yearLevel, to=9, by=2) out$test_year <- year + yearLevel - yearLevel[1] out$test_year_level <- factor(yearLevel, levels=c(3, 5, 7, 9)) out }) dim # Get predicted scores without student effect. data <- data.frame(data, pred=predict(model, data, allow.new.levels=TRUE, re.form=~(1|school_code))) # adjust predicted scores based on most recent test result, keep only forecasted rows left_join(data, data %>% group_by(student_id) %>% summarise(adj=(scale_score - pred)[1], n=n()), by="student_id") %>% mutate(predictedScore=pred + adj, scale_score=NA) %>% group_by(student_id) %>% select(-pred, -adj, -n) %>% filter(row_number() != 1) } # Select observations in specific corhort. testcohort <- subset(ds, school_code == "556") # Forecast for the data in the corhort. testcohort.fcast <- lmeForecast(model, testcohort) # Review forecasting result. head(testcohort.fcast) tail(testcohort.fcast) summary(testcohort.fcast) # NOTE: scale_score are all equal to NA? @ \end{document}