\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[british]{babel} \begin{document} \title{Project Report Template} \author{Graham Williams} \date{20th July 2016} \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} \section{Introduction} A paragraph or two introducing the project. \section{Business Problem} Describe discussions with client (business experts) and record decisions made and shared understanding of the business problem. \section{Data Sources} Identify the data sources and discuss access with the data owners. Document data sources, integrity, providence, and dates. \section{Data Preparation} Load the data into R and perform various operations on the data to shape it for analysis. \section{Data Exploration} We should always understand our data by exploring it in various ways. Include data summaries and various plots that give insights. \section{Data Analytics} Include all models built and parameters tried. Include R code and model evaluations. \section{Deployment} Choose the model to deploy and export it, perhaps as PMML. \end{document}